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SBA carry our online teaching mode
Newstime:2020-03-20    Author:School of Business Administration   Hits:

Facing the epidemic of COVID-19, SBA’s faculties and students already carried out the online teaching mode. Faculties made online teaching syllabus, PPT recording, audio and preparing various online teaching resources during the holidays. Now, there are 176 courses have been published on the Chao Xing online teaching platform, of which 21 courses are introduced to the Chinese University of MOOC teaching platform and Xue Yin teaching platform.

  1.    SBA’s faculty and staff to carry out online teaching

  In order to have a good comprehensive online teaching in the new semester, SBA’s faculties held online video conference many times during the holidays for preparation of each course, online teaching testing and others.

  Since the university issued the notice of online teaching tasks, SBA’s faculties and staffs have made various teaching services and preparations for the online teaching for new semester. They often organized data and prepared teaching materials at night.


2.    Faculty devoted to the online teaching

On16th March 2020, SBA’s students started the first day of online course. The college has a total of 46 online teaching courses, accounting for 26.14% oftotalSBA’scourses.Total31 faculties taught online, and 1792 students participated. In order to deal with the problems that may occur on the Internet, each course has WeChat group or QQ group for fast response and communication.

Online teaching is a challenge for many faculties. In order to ensure a smooth and orderly course, the faculties made careful preparations. Dr. Hua usedChao Xing as the main online teaching platform, introduce of MOOC resources, used WeChat group assisted for registration. Dr. Wang set up a variety of online teachingmethods for students. Dr. Ding used PPT recording and WeChat group to answer questions. Many faculties also use other teaching methods to carry out online teaching.


SBA’s faculties and staffs are working remotely. For those who continue to work at home are using educational services of Chao Xing, MOOC, PPT and Wechat. They are providing online teaching mode through their network.




3. Students learning from home

The transition to online classes has also significantly impacted the way of students. Students are enrolled in originally courses that can be able to participate in. In online classes, students can interact with faculties. Also can get more experiences in aspect of online learning.




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